Monday, 19 May 2008

BB2160 - Structure biology

So, there are just a few days left before going back home, so i´ll try to finish my blog soon.
another course i took is called structure biology and beside of theory about secondary structure, protein-dna interactions and protein x-ray for instance, we also did a laboratory course. during this course we got familiar with a 3D program (KiNG - KinemagesNextGeneration) for looking at 3D models (also known as *.pdb files) and electron density maps. that was really fun and also the literature work i did together with kathy about "the structure of a plant photosystem I supercomplex at 3.4 Å resolution" was fun and was marked with "very good!" from our professor ;-)
this model shows the photosystem I complex with its connecting four ight harvesting chains. the light harvesting chains are located at the bottom of the supercomplex and consist of Lhca1 (beige), Lhca4 (brown), Lhca2 (magenta) and Lhca3 (blue) in a half-moon shaped formation.

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